Local transportation options

Are you not able, or choose to not have an automobile?  Perhaps you have a car, but want to use it less.  Consider these options available in our local area >

Car sharing

a. Humboldt State University at the library circle zip cars are stationed.

Public transit

b. Our local public transit is Humboldt Transit Authority this includes the following –
Redwood Transit System, Eureka Transit Service, Arcata and Mad River Transit System, Dial-a-ride services

c. Blue Lake Rancheria Transit System Blue Lake, Mck, and Arc service area

d. KT Net serves Northeastern Humboldt County

e. Redwood Coast Transit(Del Norte County)including routes outside of Crescent City, such as Smith River, Arcata, etc.

f. To our south Mendocino Transit Authority

Other Transportation services

g. To use Amtrak Humboldt customers must use a Amtrak bus connector to reach the train services.                                                                                                                                    

h. Greyhound

i.  Eureka/Arcata airport

Library Bikes – Arcata 

The library bike program is alive, and well.  Operational hours generally are 12-5 on Saturdays.  They don’t have an online presence so it is best just to swing by.  You may find them at this location at the end of the street.  Currently about 4-5 volunteers take care of things at the shop.  They usually have a limited amount of bikes in stock ready to go so supply are limited.  If you do find a bicycle you would like to borrow it requires a 20-dollar deposit.  You then keep it for as long as you would like to use it, short-term or long-term.  More volunteers are welcome to go work on bikes.  They do have tools on hand, and donating complete bikes are encouraged.  They need bikes that are complete with all parts, and the volunteers can give them love to bring back to life.  The library bikes also gladly will accept tool donations for the cause.  Please stop by, and say hello when you are in the neighborhood.  I’d like to Thank Joe Labani for taking the time to speak with me, and give this update to us on the program happenings.


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